Systems mapping is an important element of any strategy for systemic change (see our guide on Systems Thinking for more on this). Since systems are made up of a complex web of forces and relationships, and underpinned by mental models (values, beliefs and assumptions), then “mapping” these forces, relationships and mental models can be a key step towards developing an understanding of the system you want to change and developing effective strategies to shift it. This guide dives into three tools that can be used for this purpose as part of a campaign design process: system maps, network maps and narrative power analysis.
Input and resources for this draft were provided by:
Ben Simon and MobLab, The Center for Story-based Strategy (via their Re-Imagining Change guide), New Tactics in Human Rights (via their Tactical Mapping guides), the Omidyar Group (via their Systems Practice guide), Re-Amp (via this case study), Eva Schiffer (via her NetMap website), Georgia Rigg (Amnesty International), Elizabeth Butz (One Campaign), Chris Alford (Amnesty International / Serjus), Greenpeace (via their Systems Campaigning Toolkit)
This draft was prepared and reviewed by:
Chris Alford, Ben Simon, Alan Smith, Tom Liacas, Alison Brzenchek, Elizabeth Butz, Sharon Brown, Eva Romviel.