Knowledge roundups are created in response to questions raised by members of the Global Grassroots Support Network (GGSN). The GGSN is an initiative building upon the Blueprints for Change* project. The GGSN is building a community of practice that brings together projects supporting grassroots justice-oriented** activist groups in multiple regions and continents. The objective is to share knowledge around common challenges that these groups face, and how each project has solved for them. Questions are raised to other GGSN members to compile the knowledge and resources we have to respond.
In this roundup, we responded to the question: How are people organizing against the far right? How are people contributing to a collective against the far right?
**See the following document for the GGSN definition of “grassroots.”
GGSN anonymized community answers
Tracking where hate and disinformation is coming from
There are a number of monitors that track what and where the far right disinformation is coming from. For example, the Institute for Strategic Dialogue (ISD) tracks, analyses and works against far-right movements.
It notably has analysts using digital tracking tools, processing data analytics, natural language processing, OSINT techniques and rigorous ethnographic research to develop a real-time understanding of extremist networks, movements and narratives online.
More detail on that here:
ISD also produces in several languages, toolkits, digital dispatches and publications relating to far-right movements, disinformation, online manipulation and hate.
Mobilizing and countering online hate
After the tragic mass murder of Muslims in a Christchurch, New Zealand (NZ)/Aotearoa mosque by a white supremacist shooter, a network of progressive citizens was mobilized. They responded to online hate posts on social media platforms to push back against further spread of hate and radicalization. This campaign was quite well-planned and thought through, as explained in this Mobilisation Lab post.
See the following livestreams from 2021 from the Center for Culture-Centered Approach to Research and Evaluation in Aotearoa/New Zealand. They have recordings on:
- Digital Hate in Aotearoa. Examines the origins of hate on the internet, and how social media fueled its growth, with a focus on the new far-right in Aotearoa.
- Countering online hate and misinformation. Discusses how to report content to social media platforms and supportive institutions. Plus, preventing radicalisation and possibilities for de-radicalisation.
- Anti-social networks: hate and misinformation online and strategies for responding. Examines the narratives pushed by the far-right and strategies for countering these narratives.
Civil society groups cooperating across borders to counter the far right
Social Change Initiative in Ireland brought activists and funders from around the globe together to learn how Greek civil society successfully responded to the violence of the far-right Golden Dawn party (an extreme far right political party which rose during a period of economic crisis in Greece).
Their first resource developed from the convening is a guide with lessons on tackling othering, or hate and extremism.
SCI also developed a second more detailed report to explain how the courts branded it a criminal organization after years of activism led by civil society groups: Golden Dawn – Lessons From Greece in Tackling Extremism.
Labour groups training to identify and counter dangerous discourse
Organisez-vous in France have an interview transcription available that describes how the antiracist union group, Vigilance et Initiatives Syndicales Antifascistes (VISA), was born.
“Today, it brings together 120 trade union structures in France. VISA identifies, analyzes and denounces the incursions of the extreme right on the social terrain. Since 2013, the association has offered training in particular to trade union teams who request it. The idea is to help them equip themselves to identify and counter the misleading and dangerous discourse of the extreme right within their administration or company.”
The interview features Sébastien, a railway worker unionized at Sud Rail. He is mandated by his federation to be part of VISA. He explains the context of its creation, its objectives and its methods of action.
Examples of pushing back against criminalization
Drawing from the experiences of organizations in Florida, Brazil, and Nicaragua, this event hosted by Horizons Project explored the challenges and opportunities of organizing in contexts where freedom of expression and assembly are severely restricted. Key questions addressed:
- What tactics have proven effective in mobilizing communities under repressive regimes?
- How can organizers and civil society leaders navigate surveillance and crackdowns while still building momentum for change?
- How can civil society organizations monitor and be prepared for increasingly repressive attacks?
The webinar dove into practical examples of strategies to organize and build power in the most challenging environments.
Input and resources for this guide were provided by:
- Institute for Strategic Dialogue:
- Center for Culture-Centered Approach to Research and Evaluation:
- The Mobilisation Lab:
- Social Change Initiative:
- Social Change Initiative:
- Organisez-Vous:
Individual contributors to the knowledge roundup have been anonymized.
This knowledge roundup was prepared by:
Kenzie Harris, Ines Lepage and Tom Liacas