Global Grassroots Support Network

The Global Grassroots Support Network (GGSN) is an initiative building upon the Blueprints for Change project. The GGSN is a community of practice that brings together people and projects supporting “grassroots justice-oriented”* activist groups in multiple regions and continents.

Our objective is to share knowledge around common challenges that these groups face, and how each project has solved for them. Folks in this network can learn from each others’ experience and swap ideas for trainings, coaching and resource materials (i.e. guides, workshops, media) they created in their own part of the world.

GGSN members appear on a recent group zoom call. The images superposes flowers over faces for privacy and digital secutity.

GGSN members on a recent group call (anonymized for digital security)

Our network is currently made up of over 150 seasoned grassroots organizers, campaigners, coaches and more. They come from Africa, Australia/New Zealand, Central Asia, Europe, Latin America, North America and South Asia. To widen our reach and get outside the usual circles of privilege and geography, we have started work with Regional Coordinators to bring even more folks in from Latin America, South Asia and Africa.

>Sign up here if you are interested in joining the GGSN community.
(via double-encrypted form on Cryptpad for your security)

Map of the world showing locations that GGSN members join from

Map of the world showing locations that GGSN members join from

The goal for the network is to compile our collective knowledge on best practices for supporting grassroots justice-oriented activist groups, to benefit from each others’ innovations, and ultimately improve support for grassroots movements around the world.

>>To learn more about the scope of the project, how we define “grassroots” and “justice-oriented” groups, see the project’s full About google doc here.

How we meet and support one another

The Global Grassroots Support network has been exchanging with one another in the following ways:

  1. Zoom calls. Calls to raise and discuss challenges, and topic-specific calls, held every 2 months.
  2. Slack/email. Challenges from calls are thrown back to the group for further swapping of knowledge/resources.
  3. Resource databases. We are publishing a public directory of shared resources here on BFC and with Commons Library, and are also setting up a secure drive of tools and templates shared by members but not meant for public circulation.

The GGSN is connecting with activists to coordinate knowledge exchange in their regions, thus targeting support to grassroots activists typically left out of global initiatives.

Participation is up to you. You can commit the amount of time that is accessible to you, and the input that supports your mission.

Ready to join us or learn more?

Sign up here or via the embedded form below if you are interested in joining the GGSN community.
(via double-encrypted form on Cryptpad for your security)